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These are the collection of books written by Bob Ross Thomas

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The Two Minute Warning

West Bow Press

The Two-Minute Warning is a novel that takes a journey with John Starr, who is an evangelist and watchman in the end times, in his travels sounding the alarm of warning that God has appointed him to sound. It is a story of revival and of the end-time harvest. This is a must-read for anyone who wants to expand their understanding of spiritual warfare and catch the enthusiasm of the author in taking up their cross to follow Jesus. Great story! I loved it! - Melissa Geno, Kingdom Warriors I find Bob Ross Thomas's book, The Two Minute Warning, a timely warning to the Church in America to truly walk in repentance and humility. From his evangelistic travels to the prophetic dreams given to him by God, I truly believe he is a watchman and must blow the trumpet of warning. - Gene Schmidt, exec vice president, Hand pf Help Ministries

The Joshua Call


​The Joshua Call was a book written based on a message given to me by God to preach one time. Although He added more to it. He showed me a revelation of how few were really making it in. He compared the congregation of Israel not to the world but to the church as they were a congregation and not just a nation. They were the people of God as is the church. He showed me how because of the utter unbelief at spying out the land, that all of the congregation of that generation missed out on entering the promised land save Joshua & Caleb. It did not include tribes under them, it did not even say their families/ wives. The scripture just said Joshua & Caleb. I was in awe. He then gave me the message of the call to be more like Joshua, a man of faith, a man of action, a man of war, a man of love.

  It is a call to truly take up our cross and walk in faith and obedience.



Worship - The Highest Calling


​WORSHIP/ THE HIGHEST CALLING This is a call for Christians everywhere to come into a deeper experience in praise and worship and an understanding of what praise and worship is and the spiritual secrets it holds and the importance and priority God places on it! As well on how to learn and practice the lifestyle of praise and worship in one's spiritual walk with God.

The Broken Heart Of God


This is a book that describes from the scriptural revelation as well as shares testimonies of personal experiences of others  and of the author of the Broken Heart of God over Israel, over sin, the church, and over the lost of the world. It is a must read for those who wish to gain understanding of the heartbeat of God towards the world He created and mankind upon it.

 God Will Heal You/ Only Believe

 A book on healing that shares testimonies and teaching on healing to encourage you and build your faith to receive your healing. God still does miracles today. He is our healer. His Word teaches this but we need to learn to believe HIm at His Word to receive what He has for us.

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 The Ten Virgins

 The Ten Virgins is a look at the parable spoken by Jesus where He referred to the time of His, the Bridegroom's return and those waiting for Him. It is one of the most important messages of our time as it defines who makes it in the door, the kingdom, and who doesn't

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